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Block newly-registered domains to reduce security threats in your organisation

The State of Security

It’s no secret that there are a lot of websites on the internet hosting malicious content whether they be phishing pages, scams or malware itself.

Every day we hear of new attacks, there’s a common denominator of either a user having clicked on a link to a fraudulent website or a site having played host to code that pulled a malicious payload down from a third-party server.

Security products generally do a decent job of watching over the shoulder of your users, blocking access to sites that are known to be malicious and examining content as it is served up to a browser in an attempt to determine if it could be up to no good. But security researchers at Palo Alto Networks propose that there might be an additional simple step your company might like to take to better defend your users against threats: aggressively block all domains less than one month old.


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