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Eye on Gas Stations: Networks Reject Delay in EMV Liability Shift; Visa Warns of Malware Attacks

Digital Transactions

Gas stations and convenience stores won’t be getting an extension of the upcoming October 2020 fuel-pump EMV liability shifts, according to a merchant trade group. Meanwhile, Visa is warning of malware-based attacks against fuel retailers that invade their point-of-sale systems.

The major networks have set next October for pumps to be able to read chip cards and not just magnetic-stripe cards, otherwise the station will be financially liable for any resulting transaction fraud. The Merchant Advisory Group, an association of retailers and other merchants concerned with payment issues, recently requested Visa and Mastercard postpone the shifts for another two years. The original liability shift had been set for October 2017, but the networks delayed it for three years citing pleas from fuel retailers about the costs and difficulties of upgrading pumps.


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