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Corporate Account Takeover Attacks: Detecting and Preventing it

Security Boulevard

The use of stolen workforce identity by cybercriminals has been a popular hacking tactic for many years now. With the current world crisis, it is even easier to exploit coronavirus fears and steal corporate information, especially financial and medical data (which is very sensitive at the moment).

So, what do you do?

Well, as scary as it may sound, there are capabilities around corporate account takeover risk detection that can help organizations fight back.

But first, let’s get to the core.

What is Corporate Account Takeover

A corporate account takeover (CATO) is a kind of enterprise identity theft where unauthorized users steal employee passwords and other credentials to gain access to highly sensitive information within the organization.

The media, finance, hospitality, retail, supply chain, gaming, travel, and hospitality industry are the hotspots for cybercriminals to devise their corporate account takeover attack.

Here is how the scam works.


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