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'It's not fraud. It's domestic': Phone companies say victims responsible for money lost in romance scheme


Two women who say they were scammed out of thousands of dollars by a man they met online and are calling on cellphone companies to help void their bills.

"My question is, where was the Verizon fraud department in all of this? That name should have been red flagged," said customer Paula Ochsner.

Ochsner wants cellphone employees to be on alert for Johnathan Clarke.

"I really had no idea the amount of debt that I was going to rack up from this one guy," she said.

Ochsner met Clarke, 51, on the Facebook dating app last winter. She said he claimed to work for Verizon's IT department and could get her the employee discount.

"He showed me a text message from his boss said, 'Yeah, you can have his employee discount.' Whenever I had a question, he had an answer. It was just that simple," she said.



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