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Tapping Into the Future of Payments


 Cash is fast losing its supremacy. Amid the ongoing global rise of digital culture, young consumers are increasingly opting for digital wallets and other payment alternatives, compelling businesses to pivot toward contactless and digital payment methods — and reckon with the digital-forward ethos driving their popularity.

 The digital payments wave is sweeping through the financial sector, forcing traditional banks and FIs to adapt or perish. The competition from payment FinTechs and even retail brands themselves is pushing financial industry stalwarts to reinvent their approach to payments — and even reassess long-standing retail banking models.
 More than just the art of paying is on the drawing board. The underlying concept of transacting itself is being redrawn by the hands of advanced payments technologies. From pay-by-bank tools to the collaborations behind them, the payments industry is witnessing a rapid adoption of these unprecedented technologies in everyday commerce.


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